Oh, dear ns...were sad to say that Buzz Out Loud is ending, after an amazing six-year run. Tom, Veronica, and Jason will join us for an epic final show on April 5, and we hope youll all stick with us as we move on to new projects, including Mollys new show, Always On, launching in June. Meanwhile, enjoy a little tech news, wont you?
Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1585: Girls just wanna Pinterest
Sure, theres a new iPad to discuss, a mind-controlled skateboard to tell stories about, lawsuits against Apple over Siri, and the thing where Ray Kurzweil doesnt think theres intelligent life in the universe. But Sharon Vaknin is on the show today, so as soon as Pinterest comes up, thats all we can talk about! PIN ALL THE THINGS! Plus, some news, I swear.,Buzz Out Loud Ep 1588 Loved the show (Part 1 of 2 principles adult learning.
Lots of stories with buzz today, nys education department New York mayors disregard for kids forces strike including a new Archos Android tablet, the launch of Zune HD, and voice chat on Facebook. Of course Joe the pilot in Honolulu sent us some good old shioned Phillipino Whiskey and Rum. So Cooley makes us pause and do a tasting. Poor Natali gets left out though. Sad.
Somehow todays show ended with Jason Howell challenging Paul Shaffer to a duel at Shalins suggestion. We dont know. Its Friday. In other news, Cox and Comcast are the biggest BitTorrent blockers in the world, we spoil the entire plotline of Battlestar Galactica (sorry!), and we get deep inside the jDome. Plus: VIDEO!
Created: 04/04/2012 At 1,588, its the final episode of Buzz Out Loud, the podcast that launched a thousand news stories, arguments, hosts and co-hosts, producers, and good times. We packed the studio full -- Tom Merritt, Veronica Belmont, Jason Howell, Rafe Needleman,shunli591.typepad.com. board3905.typepad.com Donald Bell, plus, of course, Molly Wood, Brian Tong, and Stephen Beacham...and its possible there was some Champagne, a little whiskey, some cake, and even a couple of news stories. Oh, and tears. Definitely tears.
The monkeys are running the zoo: Rafe Needleman, Brian Cooley, and Brian Tong, with producer Lynn Fu, cover the iPhone finally getting MMS, Googles patent on its home page, Amazon re-delivering 1984 to Kindle, and the closure of the Oakland side of the Bay Bridge.
Buzz Out Loud 726: Dueling banjos at dawn
Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 2 of 2)
Because you like. Litigation. -- singing in lsetto. And Jennifer is full of people trying to impress Molly -- Youre watching buzz out -- on CNET. How to make -- down. From the top of this CBS interactive building -- separate Cisco my name is Stephen B jump. I have -- knowledge and I have. Added it is I dont know whats happening right now I told -- -- one thing. And yet but the minute -- -- it is. The last episode and yes the left -- -- that we are breaking all kinds of viral right now because we have. The entire original cast and everybody else just about -- interpreted -- -- in building. Jason how. -- Could be. Back. The -- main -- of cars all line up in her oh geez we dot com -- Monica. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And an -- as big as all the big either thingy so we need -- thingy. Everybody got a -- now its absolute chaos in here today -- shaved his beard. Theres -- everywhere Im trying to produce things I -- right to be produce. I dont like dammit Id say -- -- thing. David Steve you know he does a new flavor and they get the meeting. And I had a whole -- plan and I -- -- screwed -- but its okay now. I was while advances at -- and you know what this appoint an hour -- -- forty minutes late. -- complete chaos in here. In the best possible way and out pretty soon theres gonna be crying. -- -- -- -- -- And that does it turn those tears the tears of joy -- and the new show romance this is the ultimate show mentally its forget about. Now with all the penalty is -- -- remain out. -- -- without the -- building. -- only slept with half of music. -- it does is -- to pal yeah its great to present -- at the. We are right now enjoying. Some vintage 2002 vintage dumped her new content to us where they live -- -- -- And it you know -- attacks and it. You know one more leap in Oregon and how was -- breathing journals on -- -- -- LL gets it its really good. Were gonna all get sick on the last acts -- -- generate. Looks like the the last episode continues. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- and join us department for weeks and print their own world take wheat -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Critics we hardly know so we dont have much of it an agenda -- were not gonna do the news for obvious reasons were dropped. But we have sort of like a . Non Mac zombie viruses that -- top story -- -- -- Tom -- worked on the line up I. Height and Atlantic City when it didnt -- -- and Lima news story you really hes got the lineup on his screen he gets in the only time weve ever seen the screen so there are no other viewers via arguments Latinos and I -- the botnet. I dont packet. About what I thought at -- visual. We do everything perfect. Botnet. At a gala at the big one and its Macs and that is -- -- path fight back Trojan. Under machines all Macs are all Mac lung health and -- of it. -- and so cocky you and also mean windows had the same vulnerability but its plugged into since fixed them. Apple likes to do their own Java updates. -- -- I cant believe real wonder why it is happening right out. -- -- -- -- -- -- I drink -- and I -- talking now. It turns out how to get together we talk about technical and I dont currently. -- -- -- -- The -- -- -- -- I dont wanna drink that I. And I wrote a column that and then Apples standard operating procedures were not gonna work around security because you cant just you know BL controlling but the PD thirty -- -- -- chairman. -- -- -- -- -- -- DD thirty created PV thirtieth reason that you have a live video to watch he created a -- own website with -- Saturday standard bootstrap and it. Its definitely out -- BL dot com to -- the -- and I mean really need to live -- well. Honestly I mean we were just couldnt cameras out like hey were gonna have a little spy cam up while we record our audio podcast -- TB thirtys like thats not good enough and put this on a page doesnt have a show now. -- -- I -- I would like like seven to ten months to get -- website built. -- your dreams and then taking an applicant does -- exactly. And then CNET live was born. And became the home of many many podcasts which are now going way. All but other things are happening in other things -- happening. To Syria. Mali Syria. -- allowing situation and I mean that got them on them as -- in Spain mirror writing streets -- austerity measures right. Greece in a really controlled and -- -- shion. Thats the specs for the -- theyre really good I was trying to take and that they -- -- -- that can. Everybody actually that -- that the 706 people but at its so awesome because all of and were gonna hear from lot of guys later in the show we have all this -- in it than the emails and voicemails and sent. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And then. -- about -- behind you have the bar but also like some even years -- -- -- -- later. Thats pretty process follow us and this is a classic united got to say that this is courtesy of the boys and not -- Mellanby. Important listeners and lengthening -- landed her first month. Earthlink admittedly. -- justice and it is just noticed. Earthlink -- set top figures. And I thought up. Wish it currently can really add Earthlink I hot dog at a cost of one -- yeah. Click on line or odd guy. -- Theres really they had an entirely and here hes gonna shoot and instantly and now -- -- -- -- morning. But for the first anniversary of buzz out loud -- -- created a drinking game. Very appropriate today that we have been I had 33 -- did it bar so for the first anniversary. Any time we said CNET these are the required -- any time -- -- CNET which was off and one -- DM CA. Three steps element -- -- Linda Allen did not go element DRM Narnia one -- out. Google Microsoft or Apple one clips -- interesting. The ones that are -- -- -- required to meet that it that way yeah exactly. And that -- -- -- little interest in slippery slope in these. -- so that it. Our camp I think you know because the progression goes from DR -- slippery every time in new. Now lets look -- -- -- interest into -- this is because snakes on a plane with one pack now. Plane without snakes on -- meant yet to finish and change it. Completely and think -- in a parent. Yahoo! is two steps. And the Ill -- it a planet yet now. Yeah yeah yeah thats okay you know thats required not optional drinks are really getting us yeah this is serious business but. If brown packages of an Apple product you have to have -- -- hold during his demos never happened to them is -- perhaps the highlight the time. -- Ive got a lot modern you know its too late next few years ago now it -- -- happens much doesnt Apples -- Hi is not a -- -- I think -- -- -- -- I have been ir and honest I love Android youve been ir and balanced I love. He had -- that the champion hes like that. Yeah yeah yeah. -- All your mind renting -- to use it you know and online account and think its so hard to -- you know half. I already telling you how to him I didnt mean to do not live so if you have a -- at 11 oclock on Thursday check out on the spot on the disease. -- -- on the -- -- work I have I have an. Every name that -- lowest minority agent -- -- you have no more idea. Just never rouge Benito lake it was Veronica -- -- -- -- actually differs -- that Veronica. Then Jason and -- and even on pretty. Im Molly -- -- systems along Molly -- twenty seconds or more you finish your drink Veronicas -- lows finish your drink Im still having TV analysts -- -- yeah yeah and we still own Tivo still has I was gonna say yes I. I feel like they. They feel about that -- -- on May thirteenth loads until knock them out again and again at and T -- today. Veronica that we -- you cant say hey students are returning to his his -- Is upon us and ask you to pay. Called honey Im getting there -- actually turned to Tom -- is three steps of an. -- -- -- June Levine premier product. -- Oh man just a meeting that luckily we have a lot -- and actually theres three bottles of them. News courtesy of mark black and I didnt get an inherently we dont he was actually down so thats a particular corrected early after Hampshire hacked and well. Explain. -- -- -- of brain to finish your drink if Tom says dont open attachments -- -- -- -- the well it -- -- felt that way by Tom is three -- Teresa but it well excuse comes out they way not by Thomas forced him. And then they thought of everything him. At a time so prominently mentioned -- it comes out Im not by Thomas force at Austin and one -- -- missing is threes online. Little did they know right out of every edit them yet youre drinking a lot this -- Youre very your drink it every day and it. And that was -- this has been in my office ever since that are -- online heres Donald Powell speaking at what happens when one hosted -- heres Donald bell every -- Perfect. Sound on -- -- today deep down. Now I get a lot slower and and the ct that. Ericsson is -- I mean not mean on. Over at the new people. -- people who dont -- that -- any personal view well talk about. -- I signed it into words is any other first in the chatroom if youre from around you do get the origins of -- -- for the -- -- where it all began -- or their creation salmula vision slowly by the way youre gonna -- were asking because in new York and -- -- -- -- and -- and -- but maybe he can call. Often mean if multi until -- creation. You with the creation myth -- -- -- -- -- -- to -- -- eager to -- today that we -- our children and then. Im -- well that their origins were disparate but there were a couple people actually more than I dont remember all of them but I know for sure that myself and James Kim. Were both talking about podcasting as it it just started to get. You know some mind share of people out there were actually doing it and aware of it source code was up -- that sort of thing. I so we had a meeting a member at and what of that conference -- is with a big round table. And its down on the fourth floor. Okay red table that took up almost the entire room under under under the death. And that. And it -- I think his life and Molly myself. James. Candy Myers. Acumen of their other people in there but we were talking about starting new stuff and and of course buzz report I think was already as a -- -- -- underwear on it again. Was already decided though and so Larkin was like -- I wanna do an audio version of buzz report as a podcast but I think Molly talking alone its. -- you know not -- soaring. When -- foil and he thought -- died. That Molly and I had good conversations. And that that might be a good idea for the show is to say we just do what you guys do. Once a week for five or ten minutes you just each of you come with a story. And you know -- just have your conversations and thatll be the show. With Tom had just. Started I had just come back to CNET accident that left for a little animus but editing governor Riley. Looked -- -- and the whole thing. A big CNET taking back. That. And Tom had been recently been hired as my boss and we really going to -- all the time and having sort of fun and congress -- pretty much what we do on the shows exactly what was happening right in Riyadh and Marcus like I want you to do that -- -- you at lunch. And for audio and then we got in here and it was totally awkward weird and there and we did how -- we did -- earth. Ratios that were never put out an. I -- my hard drive that I had them on crash and not on -- server when I looked for the thousandth episode so. I dont know if anyone has a maybe candy miers -- but I. And I I couldnt even find an episode one. That where march 30 when it emerged that -- -- -- plenty of summaries of it I have it we talked about contacting habit now. We I do know that we talked about conduct I had just gotten back from Japan and talked about like that -- -- its own line if you go the deal with atlas. -- I think because I played it to us legacy let me look at it and -- alone in a corner room and when it does like manna for the sinks off and its a word for word. -- Japanese toilets and that they had a -- -- a -- try to find it. And our -- -- -- that matter any problem of these from Boston to that he and a link to the image of the drinking game for -- And those -- only there to download. Awesome Im such a loser one of the best things in the entire world by the way is the -- -- Wiki totally n created lists. Really the best thing about the show link the only regressive that the show ever happen -- -- More Sampras. Most impressive -- to put this in the tariff free Steve. -- we are certainly still hunting and in your first episode your site with personal money where -- Now and segments I remember that -- first episode we recorded that was never put out the feedback was Tom talks too much. Needs just to let Molly talk more. What reality is that -- now on a long time -- there can. Like I dont -- that out of an American guerrilla group -- it is about. Negative. -- first episode. I am Hollywood up and buzz report in the daily -- Anti American unit under the real -- and give us about ten minutes every week -- so were gonna give you our take on whats happening -- Okay well get there but nothing ominous or conduct actually and -- I wanna get a little time to use toilets coming out of Japan Italy. The needle but they -- -- Doesnt. About -- as well agenda so youd have grown thanks Lewis youre so much more. Blair I projectiles. So yeah -- I think they sound -- -- if they dont really excited to do the show. Current -- long term -- but many analysts. Its continent was thought there was FM radio was a different time that they dont know youre -- -- They werent -- fun and Arat James Hilliard was sitting there staring at us. Even ads and easily killed children mode to show he hated he would read a news he went -- and literally -- regarding -- He does absolutely hated it he thought it was exhibited it is like I had in the news is gonna notice thaBuzz Out Loud Ep 1588 Loved the show (Part 1 of 2 principles adult learningt out were not passing human intention he has -- -- -- -- thousand that is theres a reason why hes here today guys. There was a whole lot to courtesy Im sure about them now right there wasnt like an -- -- has been answering all its like press record day levels -- -- are -- -- -- A -- it wont rattle it loud loud enough center. Lincoln and there is at lets see lets see how hes founder writer and important as the -- -- and lets see how we sound redder and episode 200. What kind of progress they made -- and weve been pretty good episode 200 listed by the way as a notable. Because the -- -- -- Why I was until it because people laugh. Apple is letting people boot XP on their Intel based -- and oh yeah that was fun boot camp now. How long -- -- current. -- -- high school. You were even born yet that was that was Wednesday oh my gosh its an anniversary episode April 5 2006. -- -- included -- -- April -- access Ive missed that they are ready here comes neurologists and put it that operate. Argument but in the document -- Both ambulance and the terms of whats going on here. Angela -- on -- in the very top. You should also play line 27 in the dock at some point oh yes so were totally building this show its awesome for building and -- There -- pretty drunk. At the this podcast brought you by Earthlink. Net income. Anniversary show and then well go on the other its Wednesday march 5 2006. Miles away and Im running. That -- podcast of indeterminate length. -- that -- is on a plane to Las Vegas even -- that would be -- -- is a wonderful CT IA thats right I thought. Hopefully he may be able to -- tomorrow hes -- with the latest. The latest and greatest from the CT IA is unharmed out the new south atoms that -- usually theyre gonna -- ton of awesome new announcement actually Ive heard from a few different people actually. Yeah. But I havent had a -- Im -- -- -- having fun school. One on what youre thinking we -- is like John enormous to me in the news.com story. Like went up first thing theres more name and already has -- 175 comments like people have so much to say about it. I was very surprised when I went to my my feet this morning -- patients -- I think -- -- it was. I have to admit I was like -- -- will -- -- your I didnt say that -- Its -- personal and get surprised at a -- pleasing when Im pretty surprised by that I was shot -- -- blizzards -- it always makes somewhere accent right. I was shocked when that thing happened. There may get that is the boot camp announcement but in their -- and Syria itself -- notable apps that Im sure very notable but lets be honest there was only one. That stands alone -- most epic episode of all time -- -- suggested that we dont even bother with doing this show. The -- of sodium in a plan to introduce. Episode 1000. But and then we just a step out hinder. Its easily one of the room wasnt on it -- got -- working hand in the net so he can do the -- commentary. And how the color commentary and I was pretty amazing at lets look at lets look at element. Where is that is an in the dock and death and enough accusing YouTube of many guys have a grand entrance three -- you know we always have seen it thats just episode -- lately I think thats just like -- -- job Zagat Zagat Zagat. But -- next to via. -- So what was the first the first video was when you guys did snakes on the planes -- yeah. So I think it was a offers video and were gonna says I was lecturing on behalf -- have that there. August 17 2006. That Im -- Hollywood concepts. And come on. Welcome to buzz out. Residents podcast and Internet links they not a late edition -- telling -- we actually at the theater as you can see here via interviewing people about snakes on planet were seeing the movie that became the Internet phenomenon know that the love to hear those -- -- Utah. Here I. You cannot make life out of can make an outside. -- Did you think that a large line or well be interviewing people -- -- asking them basically how to heard about the movie whether you like on the Internet to make good. The battery is a better medium than a movie does anybody actually really wanna see -- if you add on -- Just -- -- content. Hundreds find out and -- gonna go to the movie which may or may not content running at the calendar receiving Bryant and well let you know in our manager. You yeah Im actually a little bit worried about I have to do to grab on -- I think -- -- our eyes Isaiah at -- with -- well be here all night. I thought as I remember though. That there. Like the worst. Experience really mean it wasnt really but there was like remember we thought that it was gonna be as big huge amazing oft injured premiere -- Soon -- -- there are some people there and on line is this this where you became a miliar. With the difference between the real world in the Internet world if it was later read. -- We are shocked. Also is that everybody house -- an -- so. -- and those great. My fear part is a mistake. -- of the few people like me and out in the bathroom they just jumped out of it that -- that you know what it feels like. Remember that it -- Hello I know he was horrified until the latest -- that television like a it is easy Im glad Ive of these other Im pretty sure the the edited for TB versions better than the actual. -- so I was -- and it means it must have monkey -- and snakes and Im a bit of running blade. Results of era and it. Does though odds though. -- -- -- Ethnic -- that was -- adding an -- by the way its okay Terry and you -- -- -- everyone here. Because. I know we all we all I -- Alexander now -- -- are proud of our hair in that video. Am I cutting -- -- -- that I looked t that -- that while. And so that it -- lets see what they look like I back and now that hes well I -- when I. And why yeah and nine times to assign them into that we have here now and not know shouting uncle at an -- and I dont -- that -- been -- on the -- you know get you to make a -- now this is -- always got a chance to turn it goes again and -- it Mollie talks. And he doesnt want people Molly -- -- -- on the -- has studied little dot com in the build -- sensor that also happen to be CNET T so its an honor that out pretty much can. I mean thats an everybody looks -- economy. Without the fun night I was one -- -- first -- balance sheets -- show and into office and home and a recent and more but we did the show every freaking day -- a -- -- can hardly anything and that. -- of -- like the five other videos that we -- every camera. We always -- -- we always wanted this to be the full time job like that was. We always knew that that was the only way to make it the -- -- can be but thats not home. The world -- Podcasting as heard were not as hard work and fun north and also a really hard job coming up with -- -- titles. I. And yeah. Tara how old idea -- -- say show me the very hard -- -- thats gonna. I Georgia brown Michael are high and this cycle -- -- as and I AJ in Indiana and yeah yeah. I think -- probably has been that the record -- can record -- most -- title says generated. But theres apparently like a whole. Selection of YouTube videos that are based on thousandth episode and. Episode titled cool and a theres a Mission Impossible and animate government to -- with -- -- -- I. I eight. Okay I easily navigate and titles sequences that -- 4000 or another episode and not title suggestions I want to watch more than I know we have more. Theres an -- into it lets -- it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- and allow people. The -- -- This over the studio -- that rejected. And I yeah. -- number that actually stumbled across over the use stream videos coming from our individual computers and was even awkward watching -- logos I dont use such an awkward situation -- strange how much. This room kind of shapes the type of conversation thing and that the feel of the show removed it in -- there and you know you have the same components. This is different to -- very different being in that studio. You know wireless unless. It was weird less than just gonna show I didnt think it animals wrong -- the acoustics or something -- just that something -- yet we genuine disembodied you werent cing each other directly because that weird shaped and then you also had you know people like. Our right you know we need to follow you with the camera shots and all you know this other stuff for a -- when we came in here especially at the beginning. It was like so try to run on the board to people talk ago. -- -- -- -- Not only bringing cameras they just yet theres still a little. Tom -- isnt whats happening at around -- industry and not just talking about the -- -- talking about the error it ended up being show that -- Produced but different than the way its produced now has produced now but its produced around that kind of hap hazard free form kind of go with the flow way and that in that room you almost felt like it had to be. Produced like you know some -- the other shows that -- very scripted stuff you know. And -- -- Billy Leo is we get in here and needs Nike -- and every one know listening in via used to yeah. -- -- I have this -- video because giving studio -- -- answer the short overly usually negative Leo it shattering and great risks like -- and I actually -- studio. -- -- been theres IP. Google bunch of stuff and advertise -- and than whats Eleanor -- and mount -- heres my webcam from. There anymore. Yes there was about -- gear that is -- -- -- all Mike -- that make the Mikes found those so delicious. And we dont like such -- all set properly. And -- OHara at -- and a lot of lag. I think this is where the over the shoulder kind of camera angle ended up getting figured out for and we went to Nvidia and via the -- the him and they -- -- Canada. A nifty camera angle. -- -- -- I didnt I guess it wants -- yeah I -- I had delivered via. Lag built. And although the latter and will -- an area schools are like that angle and edit it if you wanted to actually watch your video you had to be a true n because you had to note that you had the three video players up and -- -- -- of -- And youll like the audio -- one of that if you do the -- because they candidate like an -- is actually all over the place whats wrong with this and how you shoot video players -- Now act now. Man going to videos rough. We also have plunger it. -- hundred yet they are apparently the first time actually got an email about not enough make up on the media and. You -- make yourself up IE still remember it now act as if theyre tumbling nine times as well dont make use of public used to because. -- -- doing those individual cameras and as we mentioned earlier PB thirty putting together a page. DB thirty was like well do folks -- like talk to each other while theyre watching them because -- of the -- stream chat rooms are separate. And I found the forum link where he proposes the idea and last night it had actually just bubbled up to the top of the -- forums. -- really down there like missing India and even edit them. Galaxy and -- Link that he just put in there its a more complete watch -- all -- all the players scars that it. Now I cant hang out at all -- and -- and thats meant thats awesome -- and put them. Permanent replacement dia. We didnt know and Im still here if it was up to February 27 oh wait Ill PB thirty thanks riposte that enhance the most complete version of -- Ive seen kids even beyond the one and archive dot org is is yet missing on the graphics -- all thats saying. -- -- -- were pretty much nothing that I anybody yup. The F February 27 -- -- he says as some know Ive set up a page three can view all three cans and chats on one page after my thinking and feedback from some users and added to unified chat option that uses a standard higher seat room and Im looking for feedback. For those who watched chat during the live show would you prefer a single chat over using two or three chats what -- -- chat do you prefer higher seat -- others. Were basically that -- -- -- board. -- -- -- -- And -- like theyve got a whole list of the features that they eventually want and then over time it took a long time right a year and a half -- interest of only. Steel and implement that again. -- -- -- -- -- The -- and they arent and it runs like. I know I do need -- and you. Had changed one bit yeah. -- Really since like 1998 -- hit yes so Im sure Yahoo! live was the first. Site that we use to -- right with Yahoo! like that that -- we tried it on certain laser an atom -- I did not work -- there was no storage of videos that play it right they were storing it online and cilitating live notes -- that the us has urged. I. We also had short lived to meet ups. Google music initiative how we were gonna have me out to me it being in read it. Even meet ups are hard and then it sort of start Alec. Market like were -- fund that we can we got money for -- apps like. It would transmit music that but we got a couple until then Tom founder -- -- -- time. The Flickr. Sets the Flickr slide show of -- photos NASA. South by southwest didnt even like last couple years have myself a digital contents to read the photos -- yeah. I. -- say that I now ladies and opening element -- the -- and I am not hearing anything. Have you heard thats a good idea which is that look at south by southwest -- -- nine -- Thats about half -- -- that was like after I love my little break and Im not -- -- so magnetometer and Natalie went tuna. Turned say Tom and without finger on the -- Natalie went to use -- countless public blocked. Before landll. And looked solid and -- immediately. By doing -- -- US Circuit Court of Appeals just reverse the judgment in vor of YouTube so Viacom can carry on their case you kidding me DM CA drink. And I dont know I have Im learning -- the. The -- pretty messed up guys. -- to judge panel said -- -- -- -- -- that actual knowledge. So bring it back like AF lag guys. By the way lets talk about why were really hear the news that. Important to and I thought yeah Ill fly out. I -- -- whiskey -- and I branding ideas you put or slide show up if you power over. -- that slides out. -- slides out. -- It really were here we have -- good -- but he is in New York. Brown brutal hes the only who can buy it and I could about restaurants are -- -- activities. It didnt take it with them and I didnt do it either I dont know if he doesnt like. To because thats how -- got it now. On. Matters. -- you know opinion says everyone by. The Stanley. -- -- -- -- -- -- You -- -- taking a break there were getting into water. Kevin yes -- high end of the day Slater grolier chair out of here click I dont -- -- only through it its its an antiseptic. Its 2 oclock -- after an error in the women became intimately -- -- -- box by the way she was like dont go. -- I dont really early for me to really smells like New York but it always -- review I was about you can open one beer in here and the whole -- it is based on -- very tall. Theres no -- Now as theres always had to know where we repainted finally like whenever youre in a it looks nice I like the blue -- and a at what else happened so. We had let do you like -- That lets you cant lose client. A couple of hours super old school links here and then well get -- likes of your vorite moments talk about evolution and you hosts all that stuff. Done but this is amazing in addition to the -- photos Tom found I cant believe we found that. I cant think -- -- -- -- her -- GBO original. Buzz out loud page still exists somewhere. On the -- servers with the god awful picture and the Green in the. Yellow wow the whole thing and see it and whoever -- it did a good job at the feed because its still current -- yeah it. -- That is free Robert you know its like its it and putting it giants in Canton just look like -- while I dont know. What -- -- look like Tatum Channing. Tatum ONeal and aimed at my nanny state -- -- and Ted came -- that I meant. Thank him and that anonymous muscled person. That turns you on now subscribe and now really doesnt look like Utah theres something about now I know I am wholly shadowed -- I dont know its the weirdest -- ever. -- -- -- It is -- youre totally right its pretty well not because to us 1292 so its not totally -- its not all the way up today. Thats amazing. While many YouTube group did you -- average IQ channel. Yes. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- As do know that how I found that page rarely searching for are particularly some cached version out there and it that was one of the search results because its embedded in that page still even though theres no -- has -- not -- -- error. That was our early social network was like to our reliance that we -- -- -- -- should have it. Perfect sense geographically based social network neighborhood telecast or doctor here. Its our audience lives were like yeah he cant be hocker right now press is not even -- -- leaving. Definitely not I think well on my god saying to -- CNET -- -- is very relevant is -- colors were very hot during that time. Member cross -- skills Green and yellow no cross Millers idea was it way back in the -- -- -- Trapper and we would be nothing without the audience Lily is like when -- look at this and all -- this is all audience generated stuff from the Wikipedia entry to that the eventual Wiki. Because -- into the Wiki its just. Its unbelievable its just like all of the episodes pretty much with it with them summary. -- History of notable events you play any but the humanity kind of sound like a public radio announcer if you call and now well send you great tote bag. Got it doesnt get visibility. -- -- -- promise to send you something that I never -- a little. Ill be able to get stickers all -- that I am rules I got 5000 -- the -- -- believes that this huge thing my -- takes a look at everything. -- I actually I brought presents for everyone. -- Nintendo. -- okay ruined it. At least a page you are holes is an old and you had. Your time and -- saving them. And a body that I -- like we should get those three -- the pre hi bred bomb. The user from. Andy and I dont know -- generic this year rush yes I think the -- -- years and a half. So I wouldnt want to regularly go -- does -- -- -- arrested. Later hardest core ns -- what are you dont tell us what it OG buzz. -- the -- I like the I read -- -- I always liked. -- noticed that might actually thought that -- logo in the that bad but that and I. Im the type one has a lot more character to that product as -- -- -- -- you know I -- I cant actually really annoyed when I see the pipe written in text about CNET that always drives me crazy idea that whenever I edit format it. -- -- And my parents as he aint that the -- at this for the logo -- right. -- like pipe like carpet. I hated it -- -- kind of let out a. I know its like when its well yeah. It turns out I got about outlining -- -- only remembered lamp because there was -- dramatic. I put another link in the very top of the dock is now seen in the working harder than hes ever had to make another. What -- it wouldnt be processed and restaurant that Nvidias remembers -- -- Okay. How did that start -- it was because. And we as a cardinal classic this optical and -- importing an adult and nerd tech killer is what spectacle fest kinda news -- turned into my amp spectacle -- uh huh. We were so funny. There is -- we thought we were Soviet doubters over any of them all theyre the Flickr discussion on why theres no pictures of that and that lady. Veronica templates for mart does that and flight. Clearly there are pictures of Veronica the podcast lately doing a podcast or any pictures whatsoever except that one that is on the proper Flickr and CNET itself. Three pictures. It. Does anyone else care about this but me and Veronica answers will no Im not camera shy but before the podcaster wasnt doing anything to warrant a picture -- web site I just -- production. But we are going to make a video podcasts soon. Sit tight and -- -- and we did -- Moyer. I did mourners still I used -- comments on stuff happens around and -- still around he -- of them are boards -- rivers Lego league. Were having to go to meetings because. Only -- -- -- and -- and I will keep the -- -- a little bit and grew Veronica had a squeaky clean wonderful image. Up -- -- are now done done and done. As Tom. Tom called it the pre -- that shall be on the name of a of that were gonna have to skip ahead to -- -- all it can do from a studio sixtys ratings are tanking thats literally Asia and. Yet in office Tracy Morgan. I got you on Robert were saying -- tell my windows apps accounts Joan -- -- behind. And the effect you -- punk rock -- -- -- attendance interest and it now now and honestly that it is my little yeah it doesnt matter yet. Jake Gyllenhaal Patton pretty I think -- real -- hes managed it. Thats -- something different blocks of addictive features that -- as their. Today that I insinuating that hes DA -- that Im not stupid and ugly so I -- obviously you yeah. Option. -- -- he may -- day hes not only Rosen. Premiere. Viewers -- night gaming you could turn -- Oh yes I think they understand a thing so that he among -- there are about -- often been so negative so said. Lately our conversations are entirely -- and now. What about animals. And get all of -- animals that unfortunately panning around with the nano are right its Wednesday -- echo hello it is lost premiered may well yes that is. Yes its. We -- leap ever -- considerably. Behind them who do. Im now -- tracked via PP and Veronica. It has -- and then things trying to live down about one little bomb we have -- -- past -- arent HD DVR I certainly think it has. English. And -- -- -- -- and watch it in real time I mean given a -- for a few minutes but then that way I can record the reunion show of Project Runway on Tivo of course without our warcraft -- the -- Oh my god is on -- to -- and Americas Next Top Model tonight is a total. TV cluster and you know what a day out activities of ice is not -- -- -- -- were on it is the law. They cant get through channels. Influence on my -- and I want a digital map I was ing about the ct that in the room in the back masking that was -- yeah totally in wow well. They get three of -- -- so now what it was in an episode that was the window -- technically we have accidentally got published. -- being -- -- I have done some things in pre show I hope I -- saying invalid said some thing I was sure I was fired. I was sure that I only sure thing -- -- -- Is there -- day. Him the idea. Of how long was that out in the view -- forums out well like half an hour. And I aint that enough time for my mind yeah -- -- -- got an email from a dad who was like I listened to the show with my kids and I cant. I dont like that what it quietly changed so much as like what happened what happened to what happened what I do what I do. And -- went back and listened and I does everything went black in my mind -- doesnt. Wont moved toward warm water another one of my -- grant town office and has like a something happened to and -- -- -- that. -- -- But first lets fix that doesnt. I think -- -- I learned that it and then I made Rezko talked about again consumer -- Youre drying machine learning problems are really -- Im sure money and -- Yeah I was like we dont have an -- -- was like thats not gonna happen again right as -- no. I mean -- ninety. I dont actually know you see you when you remember me -- ask -- again. -- up to me that you -- me. You dont -- I think of the computer love thing -- was a computer that I think this openness editor utility -- -- it is emulate outer halo. -- -- it and Sony toll so what is it like this out this. Scenario is that -- they said. Another -- theyll get me a seat assembly where shell be out. -- soon were gonna come into the future but. -- we asked you guys for some of your vorite moments. Come and is due especially in the were gonna get your -- voicemails that your epic. But just in from San Diego -- in. Since this is truly awesome one of my vorite my all time vorite -- moments -- Tom and Veronicas dramatic reading. Of the money is made out of cheese quantum story this years ago -- at the very end of this. Episodes of -- -- the conclusion fired up and were gonna listen -- -- -- if you wanna get a hold of us. There -- web page through easy. BOL dot CN ET got back the old man that the elderly you can always you can call center and saint about the candidates -- -- -- -- -- parameter. Youre hearing dance monkey Stephen dance. This is a dramatic reenactment of the bunnies made of cheese posting from a Chad or is -- -- certain principles blog. The dog is standing at the window wagging her tail excitedly -- look outside in the backyard as MP what are you looking at. Bunny spinach days out of there are no bunnies out there and there are certainly not -- made of cheese backyard is empty but particles are created out of and have you been reading my quantum physics books again its -- here when youre not home anyway answer the question well yes and a sense theyre called virtual particles and the zero point energy of the vacuum can occasionally manifest as particle anti particle -- C -- -- -- she is wagging her tail Im not sure how that helps you. The virtual particles that are created from a vacuum fluctuation have to annihilate the very short time in order to satisfy the energy time uncertainty relationships. -- like a virtual electron posit -- pair -- something like ten in the negative twenty seconds before it disappears theyre not real particles but they can become a real right. I mean what about the hawking radiation is Smart for doubtful yet in a sense the -- that a virtual pair created near the event horizon of a black and have one of its member sucked into the black -- which point the other particles its often -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Look virtual particles are created all the time -- -- -- the part I was when -- -- -- Technically you would -- an eight inch eyes and the ct that an ad hoc. On a myth. Kick out to replace them what else we should revelers I think -- -- -- leaders. All the music as amateurs of the guy who -- -- -- new music and adapt your music forward and I. Hes so he sent an email and he said I wanted to send his rewell video and then two songs from past shows and. One of which includes -- time is awesome so lets lets do all those -- well get to that video was. First this is BL well. Us crude -- -- -- here just wanna take a moment to thank you for all the years attack. Foreign. And laughs -- not to mention grants while -- show. -- which is to your future and well see you very soon. -- On -- never seen what he looked like I have. I dont feel like hes got a slicked -- acting on a -- is the nicest guy actually got some media and bullet like that of the round a year ago and -- -- He uses it is is music from all is really like it if -- -- like the driving force behind and it didnt -- to tunes on a lot of podcasts on the net these data. Is often so -- he -- these two songs for us out which even you probably remember the first look at the Molly rant -- -- -- Yet they -- out and punch you right. -- really. For crying out loud how hard is that kinda hard. -- ER Omega --
Buzz Out Loud 637: New U.S. currency: Wii
At 1,588, its the final episode of Buzz Out Loud, the podcast that launched a thousand news stories, board4136.typepad.com arguments, hosts and co-hosts, producers, and good times. We packed the studio full -- Tom Merritt, Veronica Belmont, Jason Howell, Rafe Needleman, Donald Bell, plus, of course, Molly Wood, Brian Tong, and Stephen Beacham...and its possible there was some Champagne, a little whiskey, some cake, and even a couple of news stories. Oh, and tears. Definitely tears.
Buzz Out Loud tours SXSW
Buzz Out Loud 1057: Bridge Out Loud
Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1586: Announcing the end of Buzz Out Loud
CNET Live: July 3, 2008
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Its a Buzz Out Loud reunion on this weeks show. Veronica Belmont is the guest and Tom Merritt and Molly Wood host.
Veronica Belmont and CNET TV U.K. host Nate Lanxon sit in with us today, we save the U.S. dollar by changing our national currency to the Wii, and both HD DVD and CompUSA are--at least briefly--revived from the dead.
BOL 1063: Buzzed Out Loud
Take a quick spin around the show floor and get a taste of the nightlife as hosts Molly Wood and Brian Tong dive into the South By Southwest experience.